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Stories From School #5:SMK Negeri 17 Jakarta

Victor Chivaldo

“Not only SMK Pusat Keunggulan SMK Negeri 17 Jakarta experienced the immersive impact of the VR technology that MilleaLab relies on, but there are many more. Stories From School this edition comes from the vocational school, specifically the Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak department at SMKN 17 Jakarta.”

The ease of MilleaLab’s superior features as an Education-Technology (EdTech) platform in supporting Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) through the application of Virtual Reality (VR) technology in the classroom contributes significantly. This fact is proven through real-life experiences from SMKN 17 Jakarta regarding implementing MilleaLab VR in teaching and learning activities. As an SMK PK (Pusat Keunggulan), SMKN 17 Jakarta strives to carry out upskilling for its students in the context of immersive technology competence, such as VR.

MilleaLab is a product made by SHINTA VR, an Indonesian immersive technology company that, since 2016, has consistently developed impactful immersive products. The MilleaLab platform has impacted many schools spread across various regions of Indonesia, including SMK PK and SMKN 17 Jakarta. In addition, the students from the targetted school by MilleaLab, namely grade XI students majoring in Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL). About this, MilleaLab held training related to creating VR content with the SMKN 17 Jakarta school environment theme. 

After MilleaLab’s training for SMKN 17 Jakarta, one of the students, Kevin, shared his impression of MilleaLab. “It’s fascinating. When we are following the times in technology, MilleaLab facilitates training on immersive technology such as VR,” said Kevin. Indeed, the presence of this growing technological innovation certainly plays a significant role in various life aspects of the wider community, especially in education. 

Apart from the sophistication of immersive technological innovations, the significant impact of these technologies also directly opens opportunities for the world of education to adapt to VR-based learning models. Furthermore, Kevin also expressed his hopes for MilleaLab as the VR education platform of today. “Hopefully MilleaLab continues to strive to provide an open world for technology in education. In addition, I also hope MilleaLab can help the world of education even more,” said Kevin.

In the end, the awareness of the sophistication of utilizing VR immersive technology innovations for education is increasing occasionally. By MilleaLab’s vision and mission, harmonization among stakeholders in education is increasingly realized. MilleaLab, once again, proves its superiority as an innovative application amid the development of the current technological world. The story of the many good practices of VR implementation does not stop at SMKN 17 Jakarta; there are many more.


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